Making Implementation Happen. Bridging the Research to Practice Gap.

Regional Center CAPTAIN Cadre Resource

Free Online Resources About Autism

Thumbnail Resources and Presentations
Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices for Adult Service Providers - CAPTAIN Logo

Resource: Regional Center Manual: Implementation of Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) for Adult Service Providers

CAPTAIN Logo - Overview of Autism & Evidence-Based Practices for California Regional Centers Staff.

Presentation: Overview of Autism and Evidence-Based Practices for Regional Center Staff

Overview of Autism & Evidence-Based Practices for California Regional Center Providers.

Presentation: Overview of Autism and Evidence-Based Practices for Regional Center Providers

CAPTAIN home page.

Presentation: Visual Supports for Adult Service Providers

CAPTAIN home page.

PPT Presentation: Prompting for Adult Service Providers

CAPTAIN Cadre Regional Center Check-In Meeting Agenda Guidance PDF link

The Following are Resources and Presentations
Available Upon Request

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Thumbnail Resources and Presentations
Thumbnail screenshot of Visual Supports Pre-Test. Visual Supports Pre-Workshop Knowledge Assessment

When conducting the Visual Supports workshop virtually, participants are sent a link to complete the pre-workshop knowledge assessment beforehand either via email or during the workshop using the chat feature.
Thumbnail screenshot of Visual Supports Post-Test. Visual Supports Post-Workshop Knowledge Assessment

When conducting the Visual Supports workshop virtually, participants are sent a link to complete the post-workshop knowledge assessment afterward either via email or at the conclusion of the workshop using the chat feature.
Thumbnail screenshot of pre-made visual supports folder and documents. Pre-Made Visual Supports Folder

Make implementation of Visual Supports easy for service providers by sending them a link to a Google Drive folder of pre-made visual supports ready to be printed, laminated and used
Thumbnail screenshot of Adult Visual Supports - Satisfaction Survey. Visual Supports Post Workshop Satisfaction Survey
Thumbnail screenshot Playposit Instructions document. Playposit Instructions

The virtual learning modules created for adult service providers can be accessed via Playposit, an online learning module hosting website. Instructions on how to create a free account and access the modules are provided here.
Thumbnail screenshot of Prompting (PP) PRE-Test. Prompting Pre-Workshop Knowledge Assessment

When conducting the Prompting workshop virtually, participants are sent a link to complete the pre-workshop knowledge assessment beforehand either via email or during the workshop using the chat feature.
Thumbnail screenshot of Prompting (PP) - POST_Test. Prompting Post-Workshop Knowledge Assessment

When conducting the Prompting workshop virtually, participants are sent a link to complete the post-workshop knowledge assessment afterward either via email or during the workshop using the chat feature.