Making Implementation Happen. Bridging the Research to Practice Gap.

Tools and Resources for Families and Family Support Personnel

Resources To Support A Student With Autism's Return To School Or With Distance Learning

Description and Resources

Resource Padlet For Supporting Students With Autism Return To In-Person Schooling

Resource and Guidance Padlets during School Closures for Students with ASD

Free Online Resources About Autism

Thumbnail Image Resources and Descriptions
AFIRM logo - Autism Focused Interention Resoures & Modules.

AFIRM Online Learning Modules
The AFIRM Modules are designed to help you learn the step-by-step process of planning for, using, and monitoring an EBP with learners with ASD from birth to 22 years of age. 

ADEPT logo - Autism Distance Education Parent Training.

Autism Distance Education Parent Training
The UC Davis MIND Institute/CEDD created these interactive, self-paced, online learning modules to provide parents with tools and training to more effectively teach their child with autism and other related neurodevelopmental disorders functional skills using applied behavior analysis (ABA) techniques.

Available in the following languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Spanish

African American adult and child reading a book.

The UC Davis MIND Institute/CEDD created these four modules specifically to support the individual needs of African American families of children with developmental disabilities in California. In these modules, you will meet families, self-advocates, and professionals and hear and learn from their experiences.

Module 1: Understanding and Accepting the Diagnosis YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Module 2: Understanding How to Access Evidence Based Services YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Module 3: The Role of the Regional Center and Creating Strong Family-Provider Partnerships YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Module 4: Overcoming Stigma and Creating Community Module YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

More Resources from UCEDD in English

African American adult and child reading a book.

The UC Davis MIND Institute/CEDD created these seven modules: “Compartiendo Nuestro Viaje” En estos video módulos las familias hablan sobre el proceso de aceptar y entender diagnostico de una discapacidad del Desarrollo; comparten sus experiencias al navegar el sistema y como lograron convertirse en los abogados de sus hijos.

Módulo 1: Entendiendo y aceptando el diagnostico YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Módulo 2: Entendiendo y buscando servicios YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Módulo 3: El Papel del Centro Regional YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Módulo 4: Trabajo en equipo con profesionales IEP/IPP YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Módulo 5:Practicas Basadas en la evidencia (EBP) YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Módulo 6:La descapacidad en nuestra cultura YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Módulo 7: La importancia de la comunicaion con la familia y la comunidad YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Mas Información UCEDD en Espanol

ADEPT logo - Autism Distance Education Parent Training.

Autism Distance Education Parent Training
The UC Davis MIND Institute/CEDD created these interactive, self-paced, online learning modules to provide parents with tools and training to more effectively teach their child with autism and other related neurodevelopmental disorders functional skills using applied behavior analysis (ABA) techniques.

Available in the following languages: English, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Spanish

Learn the Signs, Act Early, Wisconson.

These CDC informational tools and materials are for families of children with autism ages birth to 5 years. You can learn about milestones in how your child plays, learns, speaks, acts and moves. You can also track your child's development and act early if you have a concern.

ASD Toddler Initiative logo.

ASD Toddler Initiative
The ASD Toddler Initiative has developed these research based materials to support the use of evidence-based practices for young children (birth-3) with autism and for their families.

Effective Early Childhood Transitions Guide Cover.

Effective Early Childhood Transitions GuideThis guide was developed by the CA Dept.of Developmental Services, Early Start Section and the California Department of Education, Special Education Division.
This guide identifies required elements for transition and recommended practices to support families and their children in their transition from Early Start services to other services

Have a Questions? Ask A Specialist logo.

If you have a question about autism you may send an email to:

CAPTAIN Cadre Family Support Check-In Meeting Agenda Guidance PDF link

Informational Presentations About Autism Developed By CAPTAIN

Thumbnail Image Resources and Videos
Thumbnail screenshot of What are EBPs for ASD Developed for Families (English) slide. What are EBPs for ASD Developed for Families (English) PDF opens in a new window or tab.

Video: What are EBPs for ASD Presentation to Families (English) on June 10, 2020 YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Thumbnail screenshot of What are EBPs for ASD Developed for Families (Spanish) slide. What are EBPs for ASD Developed for Families (Spanish) PDF opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of What is CAPTAIN: A Video for Families. What is CAPTAIN: A Video for Families YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Que es CAPTAIN - Un Video Para Las Familias Que es CAPTAIN: Un Video Para Las Familias YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of What is CAPTAIN: A Video for Family Support Personnel. What is CAPTAIN: A Video for Family Support Personnel YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of EBPs for Supporting Distance Learning - Spring 2020 web page. EBPs for Supporting Distance Learning - Spring 2020
Thumbnail screenshot of the How Educators Can Support Students with Autism and Their Families Through Distance Learning May 2020 slide. How Educators Can Support Students with Autism and Their Families Through Distance Learning May 2020PDF opens in a new window or tab.

Video Session

Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 1. Navigating the System (English)
Accessing Services in California
Part 1: Overview of Services Systems Structure YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 2. Navigating the System (English)
Part 2: Early Intervention Services YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 3. Navigating the System (English)
Part 3: School Based Services YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 4. Navigating the System (English)
Part 4: Regional Centers and Behavioral / Developmental Services YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 1. Explorando el sistema (Español)
Acceso A Servicios en California
Parte 1: Resumen de la Estructura de los Sistemas de Servicios YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 2. Explorando el sistema (Español)
Parte 2: Servicios de Intervencion Temprana YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 3. Explorando el sistema (Español)
Parte 3: Servicios Escolares YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 4. Explorando el sistema (Español)
Parte 4: Centros Regionales Y Servicios Conductuales / Del Desarrollo YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 1  - Tagalog. Navigating the System (Tagalog)
Accessing Services in California
Part 1: Overview of Services System Structure YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 2 - Tagalog. Navigating the System (Tagalog)
Part 2: Early Intervention Services YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
 Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 3 - Tagalog. Navigating the System (Tagalog)
Part 3: School Based Services YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 4  - Tagalog. Navigating the System (Tagalog)
Part 4: Regional Centers and Behaviors / Developmental Services YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 1  - Vietnamese. Navigating the System (Vietnamese) Accessing Services in CA
Part 1: Overview of Services System Structure YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 1  - Vietnamese. Navigating the System (Vietnamese)
Part 2: Early Intervention Services YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 1  - Vietnamese. Navigating the System (Vietnamese)
Part 3: School Based Services YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the Navigating the System Part 1  - Vietnamese. Navigating the System (Vietnamese)
Part 4: Regional Centers and Behaviors / Developmental Services YouTube video opens in a new window or tab.

Infographics To Learn More About Evidence-Based Practices For Autism

Thumbnail Image Resources
Thumbnail screenshot of the CAPTAIN  Infographic for Families CAPTAIN Infographic for Families PDF opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the CAPTAIN Infographic for Families - SpanishPDF opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the CAPTAIN Infographic for Family Support Personnel (print back to back) PDF opens in a new window or tab.
Thumbnail screenshot of the CAPTAIN Infographic for Family Support Personnel (print back to back) - SpanishPDF opens in a new window or tab.